Chris Knox

         Chris Knox post=stroke updates

October 17, 2009

Even Dwarfs Started Small

Filed under: Uncategorized @ 9:23 am

Hiya – Alec is in town & we had a meeting yesterday to finalise details of the Stroke release with Peter from Rhythm Method – I have most of the tracks in and we’re going to master in a few days. Had vege burgers & chips with Chris & then Chris & Alec quaffed some Epic Armagedon (thanks Epic!). Then there was a Tall Dwarfs reunion gig in the living room. Alec played an acoustic & Chris sang & I sat there and grinned – it also gave us some good ideas of how to approach the TD album, so when Chris went to bed Alec & I opened the TD files and had a chat about how to proceed. It’s gunna be a wierd album Barry – but we liked what we heard.

Chris is thrilled with Stroke and loves hearing the tracks as they come in. Thanks everyone.



  1. blackplasticsound  Barry S. — October 17, 2009 @ 10:42 am    

    “Very interesting…”,is what I say!

    Just remember when you say a “weird album” that I was involved with “Stumpy!’,…and how weird was that?! Ha!

    I think that recording a new Dwarfs could be the best therapy of all,…and certainly will be a new challenge for Chris and everyone. I feel that Chris was always one to challenge himself,whether he knew it or not. So it sounds like it’s time to “crush the living daylights out of …” this challenge.

    Damn the torpedoes and full speed ahead! Most of all have fun with it.

  2. laylee  Jenny Halliday — October 18, 2009 @ 3:41 pm    

    Glad to hear things are moving along so well and happily. Can’t wait to hear how it all turns out.

  3. jonathanghess  Jon — October 19, 2009 @ 5:12 am    

    Hi, thanks for the reportage and especially for all the cool stuff you’re doing on the record.

    So… I’m trying to understand where Chris is at in his recovery (still have “will never walk again” from the initial press stuck in my consciousness). From what I can put together from various sources, Chris has had movement in one side of his body affected and his speech capacity has been affected. Can you tell me a bit more what that means for him? Speech- no words, some, mixed up? Movement- walking; assisted, unassisted?

    My interest isn’t morbid or voyeuristic, I just wish I knew more concretely how life was for him.
    I’m not close with him, but we’ve met, have mutual friends, shared a few gigs. As you know Chris is one of those artists whose life comes out in his work, and if you love his music you get to feel like you know him- hence the personal concern.


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