Hiya – On Friday night we showed Chris the artwork that Alec has done for ‘Stroke’ and played him some of the tracks that we’ve received. It was a neat moment & Chris was thrilled to hear the interpretations of his songs. The next day (as reported in the last blog) we went into the studio to add our own track (Chris Knox & The Nothing) to the album – and it was great for Chris to be back with a band with a microphone in his hand belting out tunes in a free-form, Ono-esque manner. We had so much fun we thought we should make a record at some point in the not-to-distant future. It is amazing & weird that the stroke has taken speech away (for the time being) but left Chris’ musicality intact. Having recording projects ahead (incl The Tall Dwarfs) gives Chris’ musicality focus and meaning.
On Sunday we watched a Brian Wilson live DVD which Chris enjoyed. He’s also been for a swim for the first time since the stroke. He’s gagging for a beer (who wouldn’t be?) but being responsible types (well, some of us) we’ve put the kibosh on that for the time being.
It’s good to hear that Chris is enjoying things and may be able to be creative too. With time I hope the wordless singing will click into words….
Thanks for the news!
Keep belting it out Chris! Love, Barry and Maria from the USA
Wow. This is amazing. Go Chris!