Hiya – Chris is improving daily. Today he stood unassisted (but with nurses at the ready of course) for two minutes.
Barbara later laid out cards for him to play snap – after a few minutes she said ‘bit boring isn’t it’ and Chris agreed so Barbara laid out a Patience game which Chris has played correctly several times since.
I asked if he wanted another Disney cartoon & he gave me a grimace – so I asked if he wanted something a bit more stimulating (I now come prepared to the bedside with B’ s laptop loaded with stuff). He finally put headphones on (another first) and watched a Stan Brakhage clip with (what looked like) intense pleasure (heck maybe it was terror?!?).
Then Chris took out his journal & wrote many words – some of them even made sense. We can see he’s frustrated but he has a fantastic attitude towards relearning the skills that have been impaired by the stroke. Chris’ lifelong habit of learning is paying off in spades at this point.
So yeah, today again it all looks good. Tomorrow we have the meeting with doctors. Roy
PS.Thanks again to all for your comments – and just to prove that we am reading them here are the lyrics for ‘Meat’
Lyrics & Chords to ‘Meat’ by Chris A. Knox from the album ‘Croaker’ as transcribed from memory by Sam Wallace at Auckland hospital on 21/06/09 who then e-mailed in the missing section – uh, and then possibly mangled in order by your’s truly (sorry Chris)
There’s this guy in a hole
and his arms are unjointed
and he sways….
There’s a gap where his eyes
used to stare disappointed
at the days…
We don’t have
Much time to
Say all the things we have to say
But still we
Pay mind to
The flesh that’s destined for the clay
There’s a book that I read
Made from muscle and sinew from my side
Though the writing is poor
I’m compelled to continue where I lied
There’s a bone in my hand
Freshly wrenched from the manhole at my feet
And it writes from the book
Dripping words I untangle from the meat
There’s a song in my mouth
struggling hard to escape me while it may
But it’s viscous and raw
Too naive and unshapley to betray
And we don’t to waste our time
In case we’re past our peak and prime
And now must fall into decay….
So close your eyes and close your mind
Pretend with me that we have climbed
Out of the shadows of the grave….
Dear Chris and Barbara,
Lots of love and lots of thinking of you too.
Chris, I hope the daily recovery Roy mentions in this inspiring blog means you will be able to come to another Mahler concert with Graeme and myself. I don’t think I can handle Downesy as over-excited as he was after the last one all by myself!
With best wishes for continual progress,
A few words eh. Sounds like a song in the making. I must be one of the most selfish bastards around because lately all I can think about is the amazing album that Chris is going to knock out after the part of his life.
Keep up all the hard work Chris. You are an inspiration to us all.
Who actually wanted details for this song? I always looked forward to hearing it live & I must have seen Chris play it over 50 times. One of Barbara’s faves as well and at one gig it was dedicated “…to Barbara & Sam…well, mostly Barbara…”
It was always given such a high energy treatment that I often ended up replacing strings afterwards, while he switched to omnichord or keyboards.
Well oops I forgot to add the chords… (even though most of you are prob musos anyway…)
And it’s in E, so:
vs: E – B – F#
Ch/bridge: ‘we don’t have…’
E – B – F# – A
Break: ‘ and we don’t want…’
E – A – E – B
Today Chris noticed that he’d been short-changed from a deal in a card game. No-one else was aware, so I counted them and found he was correct!
Tomorrow Chris will embark upon Casiotone adventures…stay tuned (as it were…)
Hi Chris
Mike Donovan here. I’ve heard of novel ways to promote album sales, but isn’t this taking things a bit far, old chap? I lit a candle for you the other night and lent my weight to the prayer department (you never know – I think He still listens from time to time). Personally, though, I reckon you’re gonna get through this, Chris – with flying (nun) colours. My encouraging story is that my mum had a stroke after a car accident when she was 50 – lost speech and co-ordination totally for several weeks and the doctors said she’d probably never recover. But she did – very much so, and after 6 long months was speaking, driving and dancing again. And 25 years later, she’s still on my case. So rest up and let that wonderful Chris Knox willpower and generosity of spirit shine through. Much love to you and your family.
ps. Sorry about that expensive album cover art-work all those years ago – was it F.N.’s most costly ever? Hope so. Anything to piss off the Dead C.
Hi Chris, and nice to meet you “electronically speaking” Barbara. My thoughts are constantly with you.
It has been said that things come in three’s Well Chris you have had the stoke of genius, and now this medical stroke, and I know I am correct when I say that next will be a stroke of good fortune.
Chris you know the power of music, but can I recommend…. be still in body..SIMPLY be still in mind….. SIMPLY imagine that you are surrounded in the strongest and purest of white light… now whilst in that state of mind listen to the amazing healing power of FRANK ZAPPA’s WATERMELON IN EASTER HAY
I will know when you are listening to it. I will hear it too, soooooo I am waiting, and the secret and importance is in the “SIMPLY”
I do look forward to seeing you again,
Blue skies, Russ.
thanks for keeping the updates coming. if chris can imagine hundreds/thousands of people reading these words while he reads our comments, it may make him (and you all) feel a bit crowded in that room (in a good way).
Great to hear of the daily improving!
I,myself,just watched my “new” DVD version of Pinocchio. I wonder if some scenes were removed,Chris? I know Disney loves to change their old movies,and I seem to recall a scene where the whale swallows Geppetto and friends while searching for old “wooden head”. Now he is just found in the whale. But,hell,last time I saw this I was 6(that was 1970!)- so my memory could be a bit hazy. I was really overjoyed at the perfection of the animation,’though. Disney had one hell of a “crack” bunch of animators at this time,didn’t he?
Well,as always, I was wondering what you thought of this as I watched. Although I’m not sure if it’s just the older “Silly Symphonies” and Donald you dig more?
Keep the spirits up!
Keep working hard at physio, Chris! It sounds like you’re improving every day. Good. I’m adding my family’s wishes for a speedy recovery up to the ether to float on over to you!
Michel in Fargo, ND
Yeah, so you got some lovin’ from the Greens’ Metiria Turei and Labour’s Judith Tizard. Reckon John Key’s lackeys are too busy texting dirty messages to women to take notice of you?
Keep on trucking, y’all. Thanks so much for the daily updates. Busy bodies want to know!
Hi Chris,
I’m gutted I can’t pay you and Barbara a visit, especially since I failed to catch up with you properly before leaving the country (it was hectic!).
It doesn’t seem that long ago that Kiku and I spent the afternoon with you though, but it was probably almost a year ago now – I’m so rubbish at keeping in touch with friends. I remember you were playing us Sukiyaki, which I hadn’t heard before, and Kiku was translating it. I think you said it was the first, or one of the first records you bought as a child ( YouTube link for anyone interested http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RtXQ31F1A-k ). Listened to it again this week, really love that song. You always manage to turn me on to something new.
Anyway, I’m thinking about you and the family heaps. Oh, and I was planning on getting you to contribute some vocals to my recordings (believe or not they are happening), so you had better sort yourself out aye!
Lots of love,
Scott + Kiku
(in Swansea, Wales)
p.s. I’m looking forward to your first cartoon on this… I’m relying on you to make it funny, somehow…
p.p.s. Thanks for the updates Roy. I was physically sick when I first heard the news and had to rely on the Herald for (mis)information (argh). The blog was a great idea.
hurrah for standing!Im very excited for you all and esp. Chris.
much love, Allison.
ps hope Jonathan is well..tee hee
Dear Chris,
I was with Miles Davis in New York, less than a year before his death. He had to do some post-synching, replacing dialogue in the film “Dingo”. Twice he cancelled the post-synch session, for no apparent reason. Twice I had to change my flight out of New York. I proceeded to try and find Miles, to see why he kept cancelling. He managed not to be found by me, but he turned up the third time, knowing, I think, that I was hunting him down.
It turned out that Miles was simply scared, scared of not being able to do the task of post-synching, scared of failing. I took him gently through it, got him familiar with it, got him comfortable. Eventually we tried some things, he started to get it. At the end of the session, when everything that needed to be done was satisfactorily done, Miles turned to me and said, in that familiar, raspy voice, “F**k Man, wit’ you, I could do Shakespeare!” I told Miles that it was not me, but that he had, within himself, the ability to do Shakespeare, no matter how hard it was.
Chris, from what I know, you’re a bit like Miles…you have the ability to do your own version of Shakespeare, no matter how hard it may be over the next months and years…and the chances are, you’ll be at least as good as Miles at it.
Hi Barabara & Chris
Being a person that does not read or listen to the news I have just caught up with the sad news of Chris. Really glad to see things are improving. I tyhink I will have to send the CD’s I promised back in January. They are done but have lost the address so if posible please send. Sue and James sends their love and best wishes. Be intouch soon.
Love to all especially Chris
Howdy Chris
Great to hear of your daily improvements!!
You’ve always helped me and Phil in any way you could with our various film and music related projects, and never been backwards in coming forwards with an honest opinion. You’re a freakin cool dude and i’m looking forward to discussing obscure Brian Wilson bootlegs with you soon!
Much love to Barbara and the kids and top work on the blog Roy.
Andrew Moore
Hello all, please extend my best wishes to Chris with his recovery. From the sounds of it he’s doing fantastically already! I’ve come across the blog through a friend in London and was very happy to read this entry. Best of luck with the doctors tomorrow and keep up the good work, Chris!! Thanks for letting us know how things are going. *hugs*
Maine, US
Hi Barbara, you probably won’t remember me but “Think” back to Auckland and Sydney in the 1970’s. I just wanted to tell you that I’m thinking of you and Chris and wishing him a speedy recovery. Sharon Arlow.
Just caught up with this news via the Fall website. Wisging you all the best for a speedy and full recovery.
Martin Kirk
Hi Chris Knox,
Get better comrade – the world needs your music, your cartoons, your effervescent presence at the Kings Arms – here’s to a speedy recovery.
Great to hear about all your huge small advances: puts me in a mood to go and water the garden which I think I will do after this. Thanks also to Roy for blogging it all and also to whoever was responsible for giving me “Otautau” as my antispam word. That was also a treat.
Keep up your spirits. We’re all keeping you in our thoughts.
Brakhage, eh? “Window water baby moving” was always one of my favorites.
– Ben in Connecticut
Hi Chris and Barbara, I guess this is a real intrepid journey Chris but having been with you when you pulled it all together in India I know you’re up for that. A couple of days after you went to hospital I had a meal with a family friend who had a stroke several years ago. He’d just come back from a trip to China. So it looks like there are still unconquered countries for Knox and jandals ahead.
xx Raewyn
hi, love conspicuous consumption! got it in a bonus cd and now it is lost..where can i get this tune from???
sending u love and lots and lots of healing light from the UK xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx